XML Sitemap Generator for Google
Google XML Sitemap Generator greatly improves SEO with special XML Sitemaps for search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask.com and Yandex to index your site fastly.
This plugin works all over your website creating detailed Sitemap with all your Pages, Posts, Custom Posts and Taxonomies, improving your website Search Engine Optimization score. You can easily add External or Internal URLs to your Sitemap under Plugin Settings. It makes your XML Sitemap easy customizable.

Classic Editor and Classic Widgets
This plugin disables Gutenberg editor totally everywhere and enables Classic Editor & Classic Widgets. Once activated, this plugin hides all functionality available in the new Gutenberg block editor.
Classic Editor and Classic Widgets plugin enabled old-style WordPress Classic Editor for “Edit Post” with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes (Custom Fields), and others. Also, you will be able to use old-style Classic Widgets under Appearance > Widgets and Appearance > Customize > Widgets. There is no need to setup any configuration.